Xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı
Xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı

xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı

close_connection () if _name_ = "_main_" : loop = asyncio. Xiaopan OS is an easy to use security and penetration testing with a collection of wireless security and forensics tools. get_asks ()) print ( "Top 5 bids:" ) print ( depth_cache. start () def handle_socket_message ( msg ): print ( f "message type: " ) print ( "Top 5 asks:" ) print ( depth_cache. start () # depth cache manager using threads dcm = ThreadedDepthCacheManager () dcm. KLINE_INTERVAL_1WEEK, "1 Jan, 2017" ) # socket manager using threads twm = ThreadedWebsocketManager () twm. get_historical_klines ( "NEOBTC", Client. KLINE_INTERVAL_30MINUTE, "1 Dec, 2017", "1 Jan, 2018" ) # fetch weekly klines since it listed klines = client. get_historical_klines ( "ETHBTC", Client. KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "1 day ago UTC" ) # fetch 30 minute klines for the last month of 2017 klines = client.

xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı

get_historical_klines ( "BNBBTC", Client. get_deposit_address ( coin = 'BTC' ) # get historical kline data from any date range # fetch 1 minute klines for the last day up until now klines = client. get_withdraw_history ( coin = 'ETH' ) # get a deposit address for BTC address = client. Fixed an issue with owned content not appearing in the inventory after redeeming a. This version is still compatible with all Bedrock platforms running on 1.17.30 until 1.17.33.

xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı

Xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı update#

get_withdraw_history () # fetch list of ETH withdrawals eth_withdraws = client. 1.17.34 is a minor update to Bedrock Edition released on October 57, 2021, which fixes a bug with redeeming codes. withdraw ( asset = 'ETH', address = '', amount = 100 ) except BinanceAPIException as e : print ( e ) else : print ( "Success" ) # fetch list of withdrawals withdraws = client. get_all_tickers () # withdraw 100 ETH # check docs for assumptions around withdrawals from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIException try : result = client. ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, quantity = 100 ) # get all symbol prices prices = client. create_test_order ( symbol = 'BNBBTC', side = Client. get_order_book ( symbol = 'BNBBTC' ) # place a test market buy order, to place an actual order use the create_order function order = client. From binance import Client, ThreadedWebsocketManager, ThreadedDepthCacheManager client = Client ( api_key, api_secret ) # get market depth depth = client.

Xiaopan v0.4.6.1 kullanımı